My story

Hi! I’m Olivia Hernández. I was born in Mexico City; from a very young age I became a model and nowadays I’m currently in my entrepreneurial chapter. Through my path as a model, I had the opportunity to don incredible outfits, but if there is something I always enjoyed wearing, were HATS. For me, wearing a hat provides elegance. I learned the importance of accessories when dressing up, and above all what a simple and beautiful hat can achieve.

My career demanded self-care on all aspects, but above all: my skin, which is why I loved wearing hats as a skincare tool. However, I realized the importance of protecting from the rays of the sun.

How did it all start?

With the passing of time I started to hear about skin cancer more often, which caught my attention and that is how I decided to design my own hats and make them known to the world. I’m a proud Mexican, and as such I had the chance to meet artisans who could make the most beautiful crafts with their hands, among which are hats.

I determined to design my out hats and employ Mexican hands in my company in order to export these works of art, partnering up with them as sources of talent in the art of palm work and weaving, creating the designs.

The experience I’m going through at the moment is fascinating, sharing beautiful hats with the world through exports, as well as working with hardworking, talented people who contribute a proud Mexican touch to their work.

HATS BY OLI is a company I am currently managing with much pride, and LOVE hoping for each of our customers to be completely satisfied with our job and wearing our exquisitely made artisanal products.

About Hats by Oli

Our band appliqués are handmade by threads that are weaved one by one by artisan’s hands achieving the perfect style to blend with our hats. Being 100% handmade, they are carefully placed on the base of the hat’s crown, providing a distinctive touch that has earned them a place in the preferences among international consumers.

HATS BY OLI a line of hats decorated to fit your lifestyle to be used at any moment of the day and on any event.




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To take Mexican culture to the entire world by means of handcrafts showcasing exclusive and colorful designs meeting the highest quality standards through constant product innovation in our product design as well as the pursuit of complete customer satisfaction.


To be a transnational company with a solid business model creating exclusive hats which suit your personality, so you are able to identify with each of them, making hats an essential accessory for each season while providing a business opportunity for entrepreneur Mexican women through a unique experience provided on each of our platforms which serve as sales points.

Do you need more information about our products?

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